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Full home protection through a wireless safety network with up to 24 X-Sense Link⁺ alarms.
Smart Alarm Systems
Smoke Alarms
Carbon Monoxide Alarms
Combination Alarms
XS01-WR Wireless Interconnected Smoke Alarm with a replaceable lithium battery
XS01-M Smart Interconnected Smoke Alarm
XC01-WR Wireless Interconnected Carbon Monoxide Alarm
10-year sealed lithium battery Wireless Interconnected Smoke Alarm| X-Sense SD19-W
X-Sense SC07-W Interconnected Smoke & Carbon Monoxide (CO) Detector with 10-Year Battery
RC01 Pro Remote Controller for Link+ Wireless Interconnected Alarms
Voice Location Wireless Interconnected Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Combination Alarm, X-Sense XP02-WR
SD19-W + XC01-WR
SD19-W + SC07-W
3-Pack XS01-WR Wireless Interconnected Smoke Alarm + 1-Pack SC07-W Wireless Interconnected Combination Alarm
6-Pack XS01-WR Wireless Interconnected Smoke Alarm + 1-Pack SC07-W Wireless Interconnected Combination Alarm
SC07-W + RC01 Pro
XS01-WR + SC07-W
3 Pack SC07-W Wireless Interconnected Combination Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detector
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