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Vulnerability Report

Submit a Vulnerability Report
If you discover a security vulnerability in the X-Sense system, including but not limited to X-Sense devices, the X-Sense mobile app, services, cloud, or data security, please report it to us promptly.

Please include the following details in your report:
  • Model and version of the observed vulnerability, software information, IP or page.
  • A brief description of the vulnerability type, for example: "This is a vulnerability that could cause the app to crash."
  • Steps to reproduce the issue. These steps should be benign, non-destructive, and serve as proof of concept. This helps ensure the report can be addressed quickly and accurately.

Alternatively, you can send the report via email to
If you have discovered a vulnerability, please submit the following information
Email Address
Upload (doc, docs, pdf, 7z, rar, zip, gz, jpg, png, up to 5 attachments supported, Maximum 8 MB)
By submitting, you agree to X-Sense Vulnerability Disclosure Policy
X-Sense Vulnerability Information Disclosure
X-Sense places great importance on the security of its products and services, striving to develop secure and reliable products while ensuring the protection of user privacy. At the same time, security researchers play a crucial role in safeguarding X-Sense products and consumers. We have established a Vulnerability Disclosure Policy and a comprehensive vulnerability management process in accordance with standards such as ISO/IEC 30111 and ISO/IEC 29147. This ensures a prompt response when vulnerabilities are discovered and enhances product security.
Vulnerability Name and Brief Description Type Discovery Date Current Status Resolution Date APP 2024/8/21 Assessed -- APP 2024/8/21 Assessed --
Publish Date: August 22, 2024
To protect our users, X-Sense will not disclose, discuss, or confirm any security issues until a full investigation is completed and an update is released. We kindly ask that reporters keep the vulnerability confidential and refrain from sharing it with third parties or making it public until X-Sense provides the necessary patch or solution.
Submitted successfully
Thank you for identifying a vulnerability on our platform. The X-Sense security team will work to resolve it as soon as possible. X-Sense is committed to providing users with a secure and reliable experience.
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