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X-Sense Fire Alarm Monitoring Service Pre-Launch Survey

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Having a reliable fire alarm monitoring service is critical to ensuring that you and your family are notified of a fire emergency, and you’re given plenty of time to react or evacuate while the service calls the fire department.

X-Sense will be launching a professional 24/7 fire alarm monitoring service with professional fire safety technicians checking in real-time and initiating an emergency call once a fire alarm is triggered. The automatic nature of fire alarm monitoring means valuable time isn’t lost between the start of the emergency and first responders arriving.

You don’t need to worry about privacy because the real-time monitoring will be inactive most of the time and will automatically activate when a detector’s alarm is triggered.

The 24/7 fire alarm monitoring service will be seamlessly integrated with the X-Sense home security system and the smoke/carbon monoxide detectors to take your home protection to the next level.

1. Are you interested in a 24/7 fire alarm monitoring service?

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2. When choosing a fire alarm monitoring service, which factor(s) would you consider the most important one?

Please select an option

3. In your opinion, what is a reasonable monthly fee for this kind of service?

Please select an option

4. What else would you want the X-Sense fire alarm monitoring service to do for you?


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